What is ERP?
ERP is short for Enterprise Resource Planning, meaning a business software solution that is enterprise wide, i.e. supporting all departments within your company.
What is ERP software used for? Software designed to handle these functions will unify all data to one central system where every department draws from the same pool of information.
What is an inventory ERP System Capable of Doing for Your Business?
An ERP system will integrate and streamline all areas of business. If you want an integrated business, you need to implement an integrated business system. The alternative is multiple departmental solutions, very often spreadsheets for SMEs, which tend to generate multiple versions of the truth, as data is hard to keep in-sync when you are running several different systems across your enterprise.
What does an SME need from an ERP system?
Quite simply an SME needs a system that is:
- Easy to Buy
- Affordable
- Easy to Implement
- Easy to Use
- Well supported & has a future
How should an SME buy an ERP system?
It is vital that you selected a system that is:
- Specifically written for SMEs
- Already proven and successful in your market sector
- Used by companies who are raving fans
ERP systems started in big companies and have slowly moved down through mid-sized companies and now down to SMEs. There are many to choose from and most of them are too complex for your business. It is only in recent years that companies like SOS Inventory have developed specific SME easy-to-implement solutions that are simple enough to be used by your business.
An ERP system written for a food company is very different than a system written for an engineering company. Make sure you buy inventory erp software that is well-proven and well respected in your market sector.
Do not be a pioneer. There is an old saying, “the rewards for pioneering are arrows in your back.” Do not be the first cheese manufacturer to use this solution (or even the second)!
You will need support and help as you implement it, so make sure you choose an ERP manufacturing supplier like SOS that offers stellar levels of customer support.
If you stick to these rules, you won’t go wrong!
How Should I Implement It and How Long Will It Take?

SOS is designed for use by SMEs, only SMEs! It is thus easily implemented, and you are quite capable of doing it yourselves with the help of our online materials (ERP Tools) and support team. That said, if you, or a member of your team, have not implemented an ERP system before, having a pathfinder on your team can only help. SOS has a team of nationwide specialized affiliates who can assist you in the implementation process. In general, you will get the system in quicker with the help of a ProAdvisor who can provide answers, and at this point you probably don’t know the questions. So, while it appears to be an additional cost, it will save you money through the project.
How long? With the help of an affiliate, or a skilled person on your team, 3 to 6 weeks is quite feasible; however, each case is different, and part of the equation is how much time and resources you are prepared or able to put into the project.
What are the Benefits?
The process of implementing an SME-specific inventory ERP system such as SOS is that it will:
Create a joined-up company – everyone singing off the same hymn sheet
Give you one version of the truth – decision making is hard without facts!
Improve your customer service levels. Instant, accurate data when you need it.
Create a platform for growth. You will be able to grow quicker with less people as a result.
Improve your competitiveness. Your service levels will be higher, and costs will be lower!
De-risk the business; you will have documented business processes. If one key person leaves, they don’t take key knowledge with them, they don’t leave a hole.
Support investment. Should you need to attract capital for growth, then having a market-leading ERP system such as SOS underpinning your business will be a great asset.
SOS works with QuickBooks, the worlds leading financial management system, so you will have best-of-breed solutions for finance and operations.
Cloud ERP Software
Today, most businesses turn to cloud ERP software to keep their software up to date and avoid the mishaps of retaining data on their own servers which are subject to breakage and require regular maintenance. Accessible from any location, cloud-based software is an essential tool today in our new normal of remote working. Maintain business continuity through twenty-four-hour online access and secure backup and storage of all your vital business information while saving money on the costs of IT services and equipment.
Q: Why Consider Using Cloud Applications?
A: Cloud-based ERP systems can readily adopt new and evolving SaaS technologies. This means that businesses can access new technologies and extend the value of their existing ERP systems at no additional cost. Plus, cloud-based solutions reduce third-party dependencies and offer more robust security resources, making them a safer choice for sensitive data.
Next-Generation Technologies in Cloud-Based ERP Systems
Next-generation technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), are revolutionizing ERP systems. Cloud-based ERP systems that adopt them can rapidly improve their capabilities without the need for periodic updates, contrary to legacy systems. This allows ERP systems to become significantly easier to manage and use, without additional input from end-users.
Enterprise Resource Management
When a business can manage the different parts of their network through ERP software, they can perform enterprise resource management. Through SOS Inventory, you can handle your finances, production, purchasing, sales, and fulfillment.
ERP Technology
Today, the most affordable means to access robust ERP technology is through cloud SaaS software. Having hardware on site requires maintenance by a trained IT person, updates and ultimately, replacement, all which are far more costly than subscribing to a service that is regularly updated and maintained.
SOS costs start at $64.95 per month, and the software runs from the cloud. You don’t have to worry about disruptive and costly updates; the inventory ERP software system is always up to date. You are always running on the latest version.
SOS is platform agnostic – it is mobile-friendly. It will run on your laptop, tablet, or phone. It is mobile because you are, too.